Our vagina is absolutely amazing. She has a whole bag of tricks. She can be tight, hot and on fire or she can be relaxed, tired and ready for bed . She can be completely dry like the Sahara Desert or she can be as wet as the blue pacific ocean! She can be as quiet as a mouse or loud and up front. Our vagina has many different personalities and we deserve to love and embrace every damn one of them. Our vagina deserves to be respected and admired. She deserves self love and self care. She deserve to be cherished and caressed! Our vagina deserve the pleasure she so longs for. So what is this pleasure?
It can be anything she is in the mood for. Our vagina will receive pleasure from anything we choose as long as it is coming from a relaxed and loving place. Our vagina will receive the most amazing, out of this world pleasure if she can stay in a relaxed state. When we allow our vagina to become so tense and full of tight energy then we will receive short, intense, tight orgasms. When we allow our vagina to be open, flowing, allowing and full of releasing energy then this is exactly the type of orgasm she will receive. Long, head to toe, mind relaxing orgasms. A whole body orgasm that last for what seems like hours. When we can relax the vagina then we can relax our whole body and mind.
Our vagina is made for pleasure….not just the clitoris although this is made for pure pleasure, our vagina is made for pleasure as well. If we are so tense and constricted when our husband tries to enter us then the sex will feel very tense and constricted. If we are relaxed and peaceful then when our husband tries to enter us we will receive burst of beautiful orgasmic energy and the more relaxed we can be the better these orgasmic energies are.
Next time you have sex, fuck or make love relax your vagina, relax your mind and relax your body. I promise you will feel completely transformed as a sexual being. You will feel connected, you will feel sensational and you will feel like you have finally reached the land of sexual satisfaction.
Relax and love your vagina …she deserves it!