Fitness creates better orgasms!

Lets face it. Our physical body is a huge focal point when it comes to sex.

I know we have all heard that sex is one of the most spiritual activities we can do but if we feel extremely uncomfortable inside our bodies we will never be moved spiritually!

When we are being physically intimate and sharing ourselves with our partner there is no way we can fully enjoy ourselves if we are feeling fat, miserable and shameful about our bodies.

Our bodies are the pleasure center that is at the core of experiencing amazing sex

If we feel sad, mad, disgusted, upset or embarrassed about our physical body then we will automatically repeal pleasure. We will run the program and core beliefs that we do not deserve to feel pleasure until our body is absolutely perfect in our own eyes.

We will choose to shut down our ability to feel orgasmic, excited and aroused.

This belief does not serve us in any way, shape or form.

I have found that we can change our thoughts and this belief will definitely shift.

We can choose to see ourselves as beautiful, amazing sexual creatures that deserve to have fun and experience pleasure.  We can install new hardware inside our minds so we talk to ourselves in an empowering and positive way. This will increase our ability to receive pleasure as we will no longer have so many awful thoughts about ourselves.

We must take steps to increase our happy hormones and feel better about ourselves!

I have been working out consistently for 53 days now. I have been lifting weights, eating fairly healthy and doing some cardio ( I hate cardio). Since Oct 29th I stopped eating any animal products and my body is really loving that.

We must take action to find out what makes our body happy. When we are happier inside our body then we are happier inside the bedroom.

Exercise is amazing at creating self confidence. When we choose to do something for ourselves then we feel empowered and motivated.

Exercise assist in producing happy and healthy hormones in the body.

Exercise also increases testosterone , which increases the desire for sexual connection

Exercise is an amazing anti depressant. I personally have never felt sad after a workout

Exercise is a must if you are wanting to experience great sex!

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Choose today to take action and get moving!

Make a commitment to start doing some strength training.

Lifting weights creates definition and creates a feeling of power

Lifting weights creates hope and inspires dreams

What the mind can achieve the body will believe

Commit to yourself

You are worthy and deserving of feeling amazing inside your body.

The bedroom will be full of pleasure

We can take steps towards creating more pain or we can take steps in creating more pleasure

Our marriages will flourish and feel more satisfying if we are satisfied in the bedroom

We must take all the steps that we can take personally to create this sexual fulfillment inside our own mind and body

The bedroom is the adult playground. Choose today to love that playground as get as much joy and satisfaction out of it as you can.

We have to figure things out along the way. We have to shift our core beliefs about ourselves and about who we are sexually

We must choose all in. We must choose to journey to amazing sex.

I promise you the journey is absolutely, mind blowingly worth it!

p.s. I know that blowingly is not a word but it fits. Amazing sex is mind blowing.


Cameo Haag

About Cameo Haag

My name is Cameo .I have been married for 16 years and with my husband for 17.5 years. I know that the sexual connection in a marriage can create strength and happiness and I also know the lack of a sexual connection can leave you feeling empty and dissatisfied. Lets get real open and become sexually satisfied in our marriages!

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