5 ways to feed our Sexual Energy!

When it comes to sex it is all about our own personal sexual energy. We must take time and allow this energy to open up, expand and explore the depths of our sensual expression.  Many past experiences can really trap this sexual energy and when our sexual energy becomes trapped we start feeling depressed, guilty, shameful, alone and rejected. When our sexual energy becomes small and almost non existent, we become bitter and we will create problems inside our marriage as well as problems in every other relationship of our life. I am not saying that we have to be sexually expressing ourselves 24/7, but I am saying if we allow ourselves to shut off and shut down then we will feel the same thing happen in our outside world. We will become shut off and then we will shut down.

Here are 5 things that will assist all of us in embracing our sexual side.

  1. Allow yourself time to heal and work through sexual blocks. Many of us, as young children, had our sexual expression shamed, which created huge amounts of guilt and sadness. We must all remember that healing takes time.
  2. Shifting our sexual beliefs is a must if we want to be able to fully express ourselves inside our sensuality. If we are hardwired to past words and beliefs then we will be running on auto pilot. No one wants to run on auto pilot. We all want to have a keen awareness when it comes to our own sexual energy. If we are feeling a disconnect in the sexual expression of who we are , we must take the journey to shift these beliefs. For example, If we heard growing up, That girl is so slutty. Who would ever dress like that? She must be desperately seeking attention from men. Good girls don’t do that. Now fast forward to this moment in time and we want to look super sexy for our husband. Surprise him with a candlelight dinner wearing an outfit that will make him stop dead in his tracks, when all of a sudden you hear this small voice in the back of your head. That girl is so slutty. Who would ever dress like that? She must be desperately seeking attention from men. Good girls don’t wear things like this.  These are clearly old beliefs that deserve to be released. We should be able to have so much fun inside the bedroom and inside our marriage. Shifting these beliefs is key.
  3. Focus on breathing. When we are in the bedroom we will receive a lot more pleasure if we can breath.  Imagine white light energy coming down along your spine on the inhale and wrapping around your vulva and up through your belly to your throat and over your head on the exhale. This will allow you to circulate the energy and be very aware of your physical body. So many of us disconnect from our bodies and become numb during sex. Breathing will allow you to stay in the moment. Even if the moment is full of intense emotional release , we want to stay in it and by staying in that moment we will finally be able to release it. Make sure focused breathing becomes a part of your bedroom play.
  4. We deserve to have fun and let our hair down. The bedroom is like the playground for adults. The playground allows us to have so many different experiences. We can laugh and giggle, we can cry and feel sad, we can play well with others, we can give and receive, we can become aware of our emotional feelings and we can find our best friend.  We can shine on the playground or we call shrink. We can feel outrageous and outgoing or we can feel gentle and shy. The bedroom is the adult playground. Allow yourself to surrender to it and experience all it has to offer.
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  6. Become passionate about creating passion. Passion is a desire we all long for in life. We must awaken to our divine right to be happy, joyful and passionate. Express your passion. Choose to no longer allow yourself to be censored. If we have a strong passion about something share it. Embrace it. Fully step into the power of knowing our purpose and sharing it with the world. If it is excepted or not, it doesn’t matter. If we shrink because we are afraid of judgment then we will shrink in the bedroom as well. Opening up to our passion and shouting it from the roof tops. Doing this will empower our sexual energy and our sexual expression. If we feel censored in the bedroom or if we feel censored in life we will feel a sexual disconnect. Choose to become passionate and share that passion with the world. It will assist the world as well as our own personal sexual energy.

Sexual energy is absolutely amazing when it is flowing. Just the other day I felt orgasmic energy  just from my husband placing his hand on top of my vulva. It was amazing and also a bit strange. I could have easily censored this but I didn’t and it felt absolutely amazing. We deserve to feel amazing in the bedroom. We deserve to feel orgasmic energy. We deserve to feel safe, confident and secure in our sexual expression of who we are. We are all amazing and we all deserve to feel the sensual energy of satisfaction in the bedroom.

Reach out to me if you would like some emotional release work done. This can release old and heavy energies allowing us the ability to get our sexual energy flowing again.


Cameo Haag

About Cameo Haag

My name is Cameo .I have been married for 16 years and with my husband for 17.5 years. I know that the sexual connection in a marriage can create strength and happiness and I also know the lack of a sexual connection can leave you feeling empty and dissatisfied. Lets get real open and become sexually satisfied in our marriages!

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